Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Easy Ways to Achieve Your Goals - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Easy Ways to Achieve Your Goals - Introvert Whisperer 5 Easy Ways to Achieve Your Goals Kayla Matthews February 23, 2018 Leadership, Problem-Solving 2 responses Go to top Whether you’re planning for the future or striving to make it through the next week, everyone has goals they can envision and define. But, because they aren’t tangible until you’ve obtained them, it may seem as though you’ll never reach some of the goals you’ve set for yourself â€"  you’ll just keep working toward them in perpetuity. That sentiment, while common, just isn’t true. The power lies in your hands to make sure you achieve all you want in life, and you can do it with these five methods primed for goal-getting. 1. Be Accountable to Yourself First Chances are, you do so much for everyone around you. It could be your boss, your beau or your brood, but you always show up and go above and beyond for those who need you. When it comes to your goals, though, you’re not as determined â€" and that needs to change. The most important step in achieving your goals is to hold yourself accountable, and there are plenty of ways to do it. First and foremost, you need to get into the right state of mind: Why do you want to do this, anyway? A little bit of research can go a long way, too, steering you in the direction of your goal. Most of all, you need to make sure you follow through and take the time you need to accomplish whatever you envision for your life. 2. A Little Bit Goes a Long Way New Year’s resolution-makers get a bad rap because they start the year in unyielding, near-constant pursuit of their goals. Quickly, though, that dedication fades as they grow tired of a packed schedule and benchmarks set too high. There’s no need to upend your life for the sake of your goals. In fact, you’ll find pouring all your energy into one thing will make you burn out and give up. So, whether your goals relate to your work, personal life or even your health, regularly making small changes that lead you toward the finish line is one of the surefire ways to live without limitations â€"  and to achieve what you want. 3. Ask for Input The amount of advice you seek in your pursuit of a particular goal is, of course, up to you. You could tap the knowledge of someone who has what you want at the start of the process. Find out their methods, their setbacks and successes, and keep all that in mind as you formulate your plan. And, once you have that contact, you can reach out to the same person for feedback and further advice as you continue in your quest. Another form of friendly support? Enlisting a friend to be your goal-getting buddy. You might cross paths with someone in pursuit of a similar achievement, and the two of you can work together, provide tips to one another and hold each other accountable to what you’ve set out to do. There’s a reason exercisers with workout buddies are more successful: They have someone to push them and support them throughout the process, and you can do the same. 4. Don’t Let Setbacks Stop You Even with all your resolve, determination and optimism, you will undoubtedly face setbacks in your quest. Rather than let them deter you or steer you off course face them head-on. You’ll find it easier to confront obstacles because, with each one, you’ll become stronger in your resolve. As you build your inner strength, you’ll be more resilient, which will do nothing but spur you in the direction of the goals you wish to accomplish now and in the future. 5. Go for It â€" and Stay the Course You’re ready now: You’ve figured out what you want and why, you’re setting a reasonable pace, you’ve asked an expert for help and you’ve built yourself up against any lingering negativity. The last thing left for you is to start on your path toward your delineated goal(s) and continue to  re-evaluate those objectives as you progress. Now, it’s up to you to see your visions through to the end. Doing so may mean you alter the plans you started with, or you leave behind a friend or mentor whose aspirations no longer match yours. Your adaptability will make it even more plausible that your goals will become reality, and that’s why you started this in the first place. Stick to it â€"  you can hardly imagine everything you will achieve with this can-do mindset. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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