Sunday, March 29, 2020 - Best For Your Students Tutoring Needs - Best For Your Student's Tutoring, a virtual office assistant company is one of the most popular tutoring services which are present on the internet. It is very much well known and has a large number of students and users in the UK and has a lot of activities on its website that can be enjoyed by the students. You can also avail of an online chat room which is open for free. Apart from this, you can also find various tutoring and learning activities that could be of great help to you. You can search for specific subjects and you will find that there are many different tutorials on the provides a huge collection of tutors in order to cater to your needs. You can browse through the various tutors on the website and choose the one that is best suited for you. Various services that offers is an excellent way to help you cope up with your studies. These tutors will not only help you out in your studies but will also help you understand what you are learning so that you are able to handle the material at hand.Tutors are divided into two categories. One category consists of elementary tutors who specialize in English as a second language, mathematics, history, and social studies etc. There are hundreds of tutors who have a special flair for these subjects. The other category consists of comprehensive tutors who are highly qualified and will make use of their experience to help you with your math and English subjects.Tutors are well qualified and they come from various parts of the world. Most of them are students themselves who have studied for a number of years and are good at solving various problems on their own. Some of them may have been tutored by a specialist tutor in the past but are now comfortable in dealing with others and want to share their knowledge with other students.Tutors are required to post assignments and answer queries by using different chat tools on the website. They can a lso receive assignments or make requests via email. Tutors can also post questions in blogs or forums which are an essential part of the tutoring process.Tutors can also buy and sell products using the marketplace. This feature is available to all tutors and teachers. Teachers can sell their own products and also teach others about their offerings. The market is here to help any teacher earn extra is well equipped to cater to the needs of students around the world. Students can register for free and register as a tutor. The online tutoring process is simple and one can become a member after signing up for free.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Online Tutoring To Do or Not To Do

Online Tutoring To Do or Not To Do Image via: Pro: It’s pretty convenient Online tutoring is pretty easy for your schedule and the schedule of the student you’re tutoring. You will both save gas money and time by simply meeting through a Skype call or a chat room service. It’s also helpful if the student has a difficult schedule and can only have short sessions. With online tutoring, sessions can be pretty quick and easy. Also, with online tutoring, you have some pretty great resources on your side. With the Internet, you can use Google platforms, screen capture, and websites like Lynda or Khan Academy to find answers to the things you might not know off of the top of your head. You can even show your students how to store notes from your sessions on their computer for later access! By being an online tutor, you will have access to a lot more resources than you would if you were a traditional tutor. Con: It can be challenging Although the Internet has its fair share of positive resources, it definitely has some negative ones too. For instance, computers can be a source of distraction for students, especially if they’re kids. It can be difficult for students to keep their attention on the lesson at hand instead of emails and Facebook messages. This can result in a huge waste of your time and theirs. Also, it could be difficult giving a student the attention they need from a tutor in a digital sense. For instance, if a student is more of a hands-on learner, they will not benefit from a PowerPoint presentation or digital whiteboard. It can be hard for a tutor to recognize issues a student could be having through a computer screen. At the same time, not all subjects are equal. It can be difficult to teach lessons in mathematics or science over the phone or computer, when these subjects typically need to be written out and solved physically. While online tutoring has its advantages, it also has its fair share of issues. Image via: Pro: It pays well Depending on how successful your brand and business is, along with the platform you work for, online tutoring can be a seriously lucrative career choice. For instance, some services allow online tutors to make $9 to $13 per hour. Others allow them to make $30 or $40 per hour. Often, this depends on each individual tutor and the skills and experience they’re bringing to the table. For instance, if you have your Bachelor’s or Master’s in a certain subject, you are likely to be paid more in that subject than someone still in college or someone with only their high school diploma. If you begin your own services, you can charge as much or as little as you would like. Con: It’s not always reliable As much as we all love technology, it’s no secret that it’s not the most reliable service out there. With online tutoring, unreliable technology can be a serious problem. Since Internet connections aren’t always dependable, it can be a major pain and inconvenience to suddenly be kicked out of a session or suddenly lose connection from a student. With problems like this, you can find your Skype calls or sessions riddled with errors and issues, which can ultimately result in complete disconnection and a complete delay in productivity. If this is a recurring issue, it can result in a major blow to your business and your wallet. Image via: Pro: It can be successful Being an online tutor allows you to spread your business to dimensions wider than your hometown. You can find yourself working with students in other cities, states, and even countries! Because of this, you will virtually never find yourself running out of business or out of students. Online tutoring is such a lucrative career because all students need help in a subject, but not all of them have time to seek a traditional tutor. As an online tutor, you can fill in the blanks. Online tutoring can be a lucrative and successful part-time and full-time career, but it comes with its fair share of issues. By taking these pros and cons into account, you will be able to make the decision of whether or not online tutoring works for you.

How Kumon Can Help a Good Reader Become a Good Writer

How Kumon Can Help a Good Reader Become a Good Writer How Kumon Can Help a Good Reader Become a Good Writer With the widespread use of shorthand communication as a result of emerging technologies and society’s reliance on spelling and grammar checking tools, emphasis on?writing?well is slowly declining. At the same time, excellent writing skills are becoming more essential for young people to have, as evidenced by the changes to public school education and inclusion of the Free Response portion in Advanced Placement exams. In order to become a good writer, your child must first become a good reader. Reading introduces your child to different genres, new vocabulary and different styles of writing. It also exposes him to better writing than his own in order to help him improve. Here are three ways in which the Kumon Program can help your child become a better reader and, thus, a better writer. Understanding the Mechanics of Writing In order to become a good writer, a student must first understand the basic mechanics of writing, from using the proper punctuation and capitalization to organizing sentences in paragraphs with a purpose and supporting details. By helping students view words as part of sentences and sentences as parts of paragraphs, the Kumon Reading Program helps to build a grammar-based reading fluency, which can ultimately help them to develop into a better writer. Building Reading Comprehension The Kumon Program aims to help students learn to read critically. The Kumon Program incorporates a diverse variety of literary works in order to broaden each student’s academic horizons. This includes excerpts from fiction and nonfiction writing. As children progress through the Kumon Program, they will gradually build their reading comprehension skills, which in turn can transform them into better writers. The better a student’s reading comprehension is, the more likely the child will want to read for their own enjoyment and understanding. The student who reads frequently will be exposed to elements of goodâ€"and badâ€"writing, and will be able to use these elements in their own work. Exploring Literature The?Kumon Recommended Reading List?is an excellent resource to explore literature and texts that your child may not study in their regular classroom. The Kumon Recommended Reading List includes an excellent selection of works from Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winning authors like Harper Lee and John Steinbeck, and works by Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway and Jane Austen. In addition, the reading list is organized by Kumon Reading Level to help you easily identify the appropriate books for your children. The more a child is influenced by great writing, the more likely he or she will develop into a better writer. In that sense, it is important that children are exposed to a variety of literary texts to help them develop into better readers and writers. You might also be interested in: Why is Dual Enrollment in Kumon Math and Reading Important? Angel, age 10: Alison Mori, Kumon Instructor Common Core and School English Language Arts THIS  AVID READER HELPS HER PEERS How Kumon Can Help a Good Reader Become a Good Writer How Kumon Can Help a Good Reader Become a Good Writer With the widespread use of shorthand communication as a result of emerging technologies and society’s reliance on spelling and grammar checking tools, emphasis on?writing?well is slowly declining. At the same time, excellent writing skills are becoming more essential for young people to have, as evidenced by the changes to public school education and inclusion of the Free Response portion in Advanced Placement exams. In order to become a good writer, your child must first become a good reader. Reading introduces your child to different genres, new vocabulary and different styles of writing. It also exposes him to better writing than his own in order to help him improve. Here are three ways in which the Kumon Program can help your child become a better reader and, thus, a better writer. Understanding the Mechanics of Writing In order to become a good writer, a student must first understand the basic mechanics of writing, from using the proper punctuation and capitalization to organizing sentences in paragraphs with a purpose and supporting details. By helping students view words as part of sentences and sentences as parts of paragraphs, the Kumon Reading Program helps to build a grammar-based reading fluency, which can ultimately help them to develop into a better writer. Building Reading Comprehension The Kumon Program aims to help students learn to read critically. The Kumon Program incorporates a diverse variety of literary works in order to broaden each student’s academic horizons. This includes excerpts from fiction and nonfiction writing. As children progress through the Kumon Program, they will gradually build their reading comprehension skills, which in turn can transform them into better writers. The better a student’s reading comprehension is, the more likely the child will want to read for their own enjoyment and understanding. The student who reads frequently will be exposed to elements of goodâ€"and badâ€"writing, and will be able to use these elements in their own work. Exploring Literature The?Kumon Recommended Reading List?is an excellent resource to explore literature and texts that your child may not study in their regular classroom. The Kumon Recommended Reading List includes an excellent selection of works from Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winning authors like Harper Lee and John Steinbeck, and works by Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway and Jane Austen. In addition, the reading list is organized by Kumon Reading Level to help you easily identify the appropriate books for your children. The more a child is influenced by great writing, the more likely he or she will develop into a better writer. In that sense, it is important that children are exposed to a variety of literary texts to help them develop into better readers and writers. You might also be interested in: Why is Dual Enrollment in Kumon Math and Reading Important? Angel, age 10: Alison Mori, Kumon Instructor Common Core and School English Language Arts THIS  AVID READER HELPS HER PEERS

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Finding a Tutor for Reading Can Improve Your Academic Success

Finding a Tutor for Reading Can Improve Your Academic SuccessThe speed with which a tutor can move at their own pace has been the subject of much debate. Whether or not it is possible to be tutored at an optimal speed to learn new and difficult subjects in their own time has been a hotly debated subject for years.Reading is a habit that builds in its own pace. It is always more exciting to learn at an accelerated pace than slow, so why should the speed of learning to be dictated by someone else? That is the issue that many students are concerned about, which is a good thing as it would mean that if you learn a skill at a different pace from that taught by other tutors then you have a greater chance of increasing your own success.If you find that you have a very slow rate of progress to reading, try switching to a more rapid, or quick pace of reading. This will allow you to learn the skill much more quickly, rather than just being left behind. Since so many students struggle with read ing comprehension it would be an excellent idea to consider this change.However, there are a few things to bear in mind when you are changing the pace of the reading. Reading speed can vary tremendously, from one individual to another, so you will want to find out exactly how fast you are reading. What you need to do is to record your reading speed, and then find a reading coach who will work with you to find out your actual speed.Once you have this figure, you will then need to find a tutor who will work with you to help you achieve your reading speed. You will also want to ensure that you are in a reading group, which will be teaching at a very rapid pace.Another factor to keep in mind when looking at your tutor speed is how long you take to read an item. In the words of Lionel Trilling 'What you remember is usually what you read'. Keep this in mind as the more you remember the more quickly you can actually read it.There are many ways that a tutor can be a valuable asset in your a cademic life. Using their advice and assistance to read books in a fast and effective way will provide you with a better chance of progressing at your own pace.

A Quick Look at Substrate Chemistry Definition

A Quick Look at Substrate Chemistry DefinitionIf you are new to substrate chemistry, you are likely interested in the subject but are uncertain about what this terminology means. In this article we'll take a look at some of the best places to find substrate chemistry information.Another great resource for substrate chemistry definitions is the internet. Many universities and research institutions offer online resources that can help you learn about the definition of this term. Some universities even offer special web-instructions that are based on this substrate chemistry definition.Other good sources for substrate chemistry definitions include peer reviewed journals. Journals dedicated to substrate chemistry usually require authors to submit their substrate chemistry definition to these journals first. This can make the submission process, a bit of a challenge as they only accept the definitions they think will improve their overall performance. However, if you have a good substrate chemistry definition, it might just save you a trip to the editor.Also try searching on Google or Yahoo! for the keywords 'substrate chemistry definitions' to see what comes up.You may also want to check with your local library. They should be able to give you a list of a few good books related to substrate chemistry. The actual physical substrate will probably be listed in the book but most books are likely to mention substrate chemistry definitions. Make sure you do your homework before buying a book though.Substrates are generally used in a number of applications. One of the most common uses of substrates in agriculture is in growing plants on the land that does not support them. Since this process requires some form of support, some plants grow well even on soil that does not have the nutrients needed to sustain them.In addition to using a soil level substrate for supporting plant growth, many farmers use lysine or sulfur as a controlling element. This helps keep the soil in a good state for crop production.

5 Easy Ways to Achieve Your Goals - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Easy Ways to Achieve Your Goals - Introvert Whisperer 5 Easy Ways to Achieve Your Goals Kayla Matthews February 23, 2018 Leadership, Problem-Solving 2 responses Go to top Whether you’re planning for the future or striving to make it through the next week, everyone has goals they can envision and define. But, because they aren’t tangible until you’ve obtained them, it may seem as though you’ll never reach some of the goals you’ve set for yourself â€"  you’ll just keep working toward them in perpetuity. That sentiment, while common, just isn’t true. The power lies in your hands to make sure you achieve all you want in life, and you can do it with these five methods primed for goal-getting. 1. Be Accountable to Yourself First Chances are, you do so much for everyone around you. It could be your boss, your beau or your brood, but you always show up and go above and beyond for those who need you. When it comes to your goals, though, you’re not as determined â€" and that needs to change. The most important step in achieving your goals is to hold yourself accountable, and there are plenty of ways to do it. First and foremost, you need to get into the right state of mind: Why do you want to do this, anyway? A little bit of research can go a long way, too, steering you in the direction of your goal. Most of all, you need to make sure you follow through and take the time you need to accomplish whatever you envision for your life. 2. A Little Bit Goes a Long Way New Year’s resolution-makers get a bad rap because they start the year in unyielding, near-constant pursuit of their goals. Quickly, though, that dedication fades as they grow tired of a packed schedule and benchmarks set too high. There’s no need to upend your life for the sake of your goals. In fact, you’ll find pouring all your energy into one thing will make you burn out and give up. So, whether your goals relate to your work, personal life or even your health, regularly making small changes that lead you toward the finish line is one of the surefire ways to live without limitations â€"  and to achieve what you want. 3. Ask for Input The amount of advice you seek in your pursuit of a particular goal is, of course, up to you. You could tap the knowledge of someone who has what you want at the start of the process. Find out their methods, their setbacks and successes, and keep all that in mind as you formulate your plan. And, once you have that contact, you can reach out to the same person for feedback and further advice as you continue in your quest. Another form of friendly support? Enlisting a friend to be your goal-getting buddy. You might cross paths with someone in pursuit of a similar achievement, and the two of you can work together, provide tips to one another and hold each other accountable to what you’ve set out to do. There’s a reason exercisers with workout buddies are more successful: They have someone to push them and support them throughout the process, and you can do the same. 4. Don’t Let Setbacks Stop You Even with all your resolve, determination and optimism, you will undoubtedly face setbacks in your quest. Rather than let them deter you or steer you off course face them head-on. You’ll find it easier to confront obstacles because, with each one, you’ll become stronger in your resolve. As you build your inner strength, you’ll be more resilient, which will do nothing but spur you in the direction of the goals you wish to accomplish now and in the future. 5. Go for It â€" and Stay the Course You’re ready now: You’ve figured out what you want and why, you’re setting a reasonable pace, you’ve asked an expert for help and you’ve built yourself up against any lingering negativity. The last thing left for you is to start on your path toward your delineated goal(s) and continue to  re-evaluate those objectives as you progress. Now, it’s up to you to see your visions through to the end. Doing so may mean you alter the plans you started with, or you leave behind a friend or mentor whose aspirations no longer match yours. Your adaptability will make it even more plausible that your goals will become reality, and that’s why you started this in the first place. Stick to it â€"  you can hardly imagine everything you will achieve with this can-do mindset. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

What To Know About The Math Section Of The ACT

What To Know About The Math Section Of The ACT The ACT Mathematics section is designed to assess the mathematical proficiency students have typically acquired in courses taken by the end of the 11th grade. Students receive an hour to finish the 60-question math section which boils down to roughly a minute per question. The multiple-choice problems cover content areas such as pre-algebra,elementaryalgebra, intermediatealgebra, coordinategeometry, plane geometry, andtrigonometry. Students must be comfortable using computational skills and basic formulas, but a knowledge of complex formulas or the ability to perform extensive computations is not required. The Pre-Algebra questions make up 23% of the ACT math section. These problems are based on basic operations that use whole numbers, decimals, fractions, integers, place value, square roots and approximations the concept of exponents, scientific notation, factors, ratio, proportion, and percent. Content will also cover linear equations in one variable, absolute value and ordering numbers by value, elementary counting techniques and simple probability, data collection, representation and interpretation, and assessing how well students understand descriptive statistics. Elementary Algebra questions cover the properties of exponents and square roots, evaluation of algebraic expressions through substitution, using variables to express functional relationships, understanding algebraic operations, and the solution of quadratic equations by factoring. They are 17% of the ACT math. Intermediate Algebra problems make up 15% of the math portion. They assess how well students understand the quadratic formula, absolute value inequalities and equations, radical and rational expressions, patterns and sequences, and systems of equations, quadratic inequalities, modeling, matrices, functions, roots of polynomials, and complex numbers. Coordinate Geometry questions involve graphing and the relations between graphs and equations. This includes points, lines, polynomials, circles and other curves, graphing inequalities, slope, parallel and perpendicular lines, distance, midpoints, and conics. Coordinate Geometry questions are 15% of the ACT math exam. Plane Geometry questions are designed to measure your understanding of the properties and relations of plane figures. Angles and relations among perpendicular and parallel lines, properties of circles, triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids, transformations, the concept of proof and proof techniques, volume, and applications of geometry to three dimensions are all covered. Plane Geometry problems are 23% of the math test. Lastly, Trigonometry problems are 7% of the ACT math section. These questions cover trigonometric relations in right triangles, values and properties of trigonometric functions, graphing trigonometric functions, modeling using trigonometric functions, the usage of trigonometric identities, and solving for trigonometric equations. Can you use a calculator? You may on this part of the exam, but youll have to put it away when its time for the next section on the ACT. Make sure that your calculator is ACT-approved! All TI-89 or TI-92 calculators are permitted as is any four-function, graphing, or scientific calculator. Any calculators with a QWERTY keyboard are prohibited. The ACT Math test is difficult because it assess knowledge that youve learned, not just intuited from the problem at hand. It includes a wide range of material from your middle and high school math courses and since so many topics are covered, its important that you have a strong understanding of all these areas. In order to do your best, you can follow some simple tips. These will help you approach the ACT math and the structure of the exam so test day will be a success. However, these tips cant replace a good, old fashioned knowledge. Understanding these strategies and applying them with your math skills will help you reach the score you want. That said. Review, Review, Review. Give yourself plenty of time to go back and revisit areas you havent spent time with in a while, or ones that were tricky in the past. It doesnt matter if youve gotten straight As in pre-algebra through trig you can still benefit from a full review of material from years past. The ACT math covers a broad, broad area, and goes into tiny details youve probably forgotten, and will be important on the exam. Stay in your time frame. As we said earlier, the ACT math exam is designed to allot you a minute per question. Spend too long figuring out that trigonometry problem, and youll be rushing through the rest of the test. Know the simple rules. The writers of the ACT are trying to trick you, so you have to outwit them. They want you to forget the basics, so make sure you have those down before test day arrives. Dont forget the little things like what you do to one side of an equation must be done to the other side. Memorize your formulas. Sure, theres a lot. But having these down pat saves you from having to plug in answer choices, so make sure you can solve for X all by yourself. You should be comfortable figuring out everything from the angles of intersecting lines to using the quadratic formula and solving for the area of a rhombus. The ACT math section is tough. But whether you work with a tutor or by yourself, its important to make sure you have your math knowledge down; using ACT practice testsis a great way to do this. Spend time studying and reviewing for the ACTmath portion, and you should be able to achieve your target score on test day.